SRU Urgently Creates Green University
SRU Urgently Creates Green University Readily responds to the state’s policy of “taking off suit jackets to save energy”

Aside fromthe “taking offjackets to lessen the power consumption” in response to the government’s policy, SRU has launched the campaign “Green University” as animperative movement to integrate the environmental conservation to all kinds of activities to organize in the campus; already started was the electric car service available for students and instructors within the campus, expecting to lessen the numbers of motorcycles used in the university.
President Prayote said on February 22, 2013 that the university had an urgent scheme to make SRU a green and clean university, which was to incorporate the energy conservation and environment conservation to all teaching/ learning activities, research, regular work, landscaping and any others to do so that all activities to work out in the campus will be safe, clean, environmental friendly, and energy saving.
The president continued, “our university start reducing and economizing all types of energy;some to mention are lessening the power use—the policy which applies to all faculties and offices, corresponding to the state policy of “taking off jackets to make lower use of electricity”. The meaning of the policy is to set the room temperature higher than it normally is while working or having a meeting. Green areas in the campus are on the increase. All the light bulbs, as many as 18,000, will be changed to economic electronic bulbs (around 7,500 ones having been changed so far). In addition, within next month there will be 4 more electric cars to come into service; apart from being more convenient for both students and instructors to move from one building to another, the cars will also help lessen the use of motorcycles—that serves to save energy!
“Currently,” the presidentemphasized, “our research team is study thehowto best convert the garbage and trash into energy, the issue being interested and worked on throughout the world. We need to seriously employ all our might and efforts in this matter. Why burningthe garbage and increasing pollution into our environment while it can be turnedinto energy!”